Security Sales & Integration


SSI serves security installing contractors providing systems and services; surveillance, access control, biometrics, fire alarm and home control/automation. Coverage in commercial and residential product applications, designs, techniques, operations.

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inuteman's complete line of power protection solutions forms a barrier between the security system and the potential power problems it can face. Solutions include Surge Protection for non-vital equipment, and Uninterruptible Power Supplies for mission critical hardware, along with Power Distribution and Remote Power Management accessories to make setup and maintenance simple. Power protection products not only defend the systems you sell, but contribute greatly to the bottom line. Every piece of hardware that uses utility power is an opportunity for an add-on. /HDUQPRUHDERXWRXUSURGXFWVIRUVHFXULW\DWPLQXWHPDQXSVFRPVVL 8366L]LQJ0DGH(DV\ 3RZHU3UREOHPV • Take the guesswork out of UPS selection • Vast security equipment database • Get hundreds of solutions sorted by runtime, product line, or MSRP Print, Email, or Fax spec sheets _ ZZZPLQXWHPDQXSVFRP_ZZZVL]HP\XSVFRP /H0D\'ULYH_&DUUROOWRQ7; Sags/Brownouts - 88% Spikes - 6% Blackouts - 5% Surges - 1% UPSs protect vital security devices from 100% of all power problems 0XFKPRUHWKDQMXVW836VYLHZ RXUHQWLUHOLQHRISRZHUSURWHFWLRQSURGXFWV DWZZZPLQXWHPDQXSVFRPSURGXFWV Scan now! A security system is only as strong as its weakest link. Power protection solutions from Minuteman will ensure power remains constant, so cameras keep rolling, facilities stay secure, and business continues after power problems strike.

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