Security Sales & Integration


SSI serves security installing contractors providing systems and services; surveillance, access control, biometrics, fire alarm and home control/automation. Coverage in commercial and residential product applications, designs, techniques, operations.

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When you think IP video think American Dynamics Sure, there are a lot of companies out there with IP video solutions. Some offer cameras at rock bottom prices. Others have systems that look good and promise the world. So, why should you think of American Dynamics for IP solutions? Ř3URYHQORQJWHUPOHDGHUVKLSZLWK,QWHOOH[OHJDF\ Ř,3FDPHUDSRUWIROLRŎIURPVWDQGDUGUHVWR+'ŎWKDWKDVWULSOHGLQWKHODVW\HDU Ř195VDQG+\EULGUHFRUGHUVWKDWGLVSHOWKHœELJEXVLQHVVRQO\ŔPHQWDOLW\ Ř*URXQGEUHDNLQJYLGHRPDQDJHPHQWWKDWXQLILHVDQDORJDQG,3 Now, that's something to think about. American Dynamics for IP solutions. MRLQYLVLWVKDUH © 2013 Tyco Security Products. All Rights Reserved. F r o m Ty c o S e c u r i t y P r o d u c t s

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